
Untitled 2 (metal, found object)
Ub-Trans (Mdf, wood, string)
Agape ( Mdf, wool, wood, perspex)
Rotary -metry ( found mdf, string, perspex, felt)
Untitled (installation, wood, perspex)

Veiling Geometry
(installation, metal wire, wool, mdf, fabric)

Untitled S (Detail)
Untitled S (Mdf, wood, found perspex, wire, string) 
(wood, perspex, cardboard, srting, found plactic)

Black Rectangle (found wood, felt, perspex, string)

Wings to heaven
(wood, plastic, wool, mirror perspex)
Vortex 1 (found wood, mdf, perspex, string)

Composition with Red, Black and String
(Mdf, wood, plastic,  felt, perspex, string)

Construction with Red, White and Blue 
(found timber, Mdf, plastic, perspex, felt, string, aluminium)

Construction with Red, White and Blue