Last Saturday I created my art performance in Mosaics Gallery, Crypt of St. John’s Church in Waterloo along with two other performers: The Rye poets and duo folk musicians.
The performance for the special event of the group show of ‘ Death and Transition’ was the first experimental performative drawing- Ariadne saw 2 -homage to Blake accompanied by the Symphony 3 of Sorrowful Sounds by Henryk M. Gorecki.
Transition is more interpreted as a metaphor of abandoning the existing structures and moving, following Aridne’s thread towards the NEW.
The performative piece for the show is inspired also by William Blake interpretation of Ariadne in Dante’s Inferno, as a territory of transcendence from materialistic to the spiritual, therefore, abstract dimension.
Beata Kozlowska, Ariandne saw 2- homage to Blake, art perfomance,duration 25mins, photo documention, courtesy of the artist and Melissa Budasz, April, 2015 |
The elements in the performance have several dimensions as the transition in wider meaning.
Some of the elements are recurrent in my practice and bring self referential aspect to the performance.
The role of the spread white wallpaper on the floor is to invite the audience to perceive the space as quasi ritual or even a game. The white path- transitory space, connects the ritual of transition with the act of drawing itself, initiated by marking the space with red, suspended wool. The Red lines of the wool are also metaphors for the drawing in space, outer dimension.
Beata Kozlowska, Ariandne saw 2- homage to Blake, art perfomance, duration 25mins, photo documention, courtesy of the artist and Melissa Budasz, April, 2015
After the initial ritual of physical transition to the inner space, I enter the meditative performative drawing, dictated by the gestural, non subjective approach.
The drawing correlates with the tone and the pace of solemn Symphony 3 by Henryk M. Gorecki.
Beata Kozlowska, Ariandne saw 2- homage to Blake, art perfomance,duration 25mins,
photo documention, courtesy of the artist and Melissa Budasz, April, 2015
Beata Kozlowska, Ariandne saw 2- homage to Blake, art perfomance, photo documention, duration 25mins, courtesy of the artist, April, 2015 |
Beata Kozlowska, in front of the Ariandne saw 2- homage to Blake, post art perfomance, photo documention, courtesy of the artist, April, 2015 |