Poetics of Geometry, a solo exhibition features new abstract paintings by Beata Kozlowska. Over the last several years Wellington-based artistic journey, Kozlowska delves into the painterly medium, focusing on the language of abstraction. Poetics of Geometry ‘explores unique visual associations from geometric shapes, analogous to the play of language in poetics. Kozlowska employs elements like colour, shape, texture, form and structure to manifest in varying scales and frequencies, mirroring nature.
The term “Geometry” originates from the Greek words ‘geo’ (earth) and ‘metrein’ (to measure). Kozlowska’s work explores the interplay between poetics and geometry, employing geometric shapes, lines, haphazard semi-grids, and multiple layering techniques. Embracing negative space and concealing specific areas in her compositions, she engages in an unpredictable and playful process that challenges traditional geometric laws. This emphasis on the freedom of abstraction invites viewers to explore multiple interpretations.
The artist improvises with contrasting elements, exploring the tension between structure and chaos, reflecting the uncertainties of the world. The manipulation of forms and improvisation defines Kozlowska’s artistic process, driven by the quest for internal balance within the composition.